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In recent years, gender dysphoria has become increasingly controversial for nonscientific reasons, leading to the silencing of science and proper research. Intolerance to open scientific inquiry has led to the ostracization of many respected professionals. Research that does not comport to the popular narrative is attacked as "transphobic" and censored, while research that follows the accepted script is welcomed and highly publicized, regardless of methodology.

There is no place for intimidation, silencing, censoring, or retaliatory behavior against individuals or institutions that conduct their research adhering to the basic tenets of science and free inquiry.


GDI’s position is that:


  • There are different developmental pathways to gender dysphoria, there are different types of gender dysphoria, and there are different outcomes from gender dysphoria.


  • Understanding the context for, and conditions related to, gender dysphoria is of paramount importance so clinicians can make the correct diagnoses and provide the correct interventions for patients.

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